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Double Beat CPS

Double Beat CPS

GST/HST Included

This updated version of the classic Double Beat exercise is a favourite of the Colborne Public School Drumline. It begins with the snares and basses playing the double stroke melody while the tenors play a tap roll with accents on count one as a supporting rhythm. Later the instrumentation rolls are reversed. This teaches the drummers to understand how to control the rebound and tempo of the double strokes so they stay in time with the tap roll rhythm. As the exercise continues, the snares switch into a triple stroke pattern which provides an interesting counter point when played against the tenor and bass rhythms. The exercise culminates in “triple stops” for the snares, “double stops” for the tenors, and the bass drums playing in unison. Each exercise comes with a PDF download and YouTube link for play-a-long videos for snare and tenor.

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